Friday, 19 June 2009
What Day Is It???!
not sure
I'm pretty sure it's Friday...ok, I'm definitely sure, but yesterday I was sure it was Wednesday and that turned out to be wrong! It's very strange how I am energized one moment & exhausted the next...lots of big changes going on... I had a headache all day yesterday and it is gone today so that is cause for celebration - lots of work, love & healing from friends and yes, finally...ibuprophen. I prefer not to take medication (I know many of you feel that way as well), however, if you are choosing to suffer instead of relieve the pain easily after you have done the holistic stuff...might be something to change! Yesterday was the Digestive System, but I'm actually guided to just put down a few "random" (haha) thoughts such as... * The more you practice the more you see!!! I know you ThetaHealing students have heard that over & over...but it's TRUE!!! When I first began scanning the body I "saw" very little most of the time. I'm still not sure when I am "seeing" vs. knowing (doesn't matter to me now) and I sometimes think I need to get more details...silly me... I do know that being unattached & not caring "how" I "get" it opens the way for the information to flow and I also know for a fact that the more you practice the better you become. Yesterday Vianna had someone come into class who has cancer and asked us to scan her for the tumors...I saw the exact number, sizes and placement - could've knocked me over with a feather! Was I a little uncertain that what I saw clearly was true? yes. Did I trust what I got (without even labelling how I received it)? Yes. If you want to be clairvoyant... know that you are - let go (stop pushing or you may not like what happens) - practice & TRUST - you will be amazed - I promise. * If you eat sushi with wasabi you are one smart cookie (yes sweetie, you're the smarter one - haha) - takes care of the parasites! Oregano is another awesome natural way to get rid of those little buggers. Also, if you travel to another country, it's a great idea to eat their food prepared in their way...you got it...helps to minimize the foreign critters (bacteria, etc. as well). * Vows & Commitments: these may not show themselves until you are ready to release them (ie. poverty, celibacy, suffering, etc.) so check them periodically if/when common sense dictates from what is happening in your life and of course if/when Creator tells you to - big mistake if you say "oh I'm just making that up - I know I don't have that - I checked it before" !!! * Make sure you know the difference between "Surviving" and "Living" - could make life MUCH more enjoyable! * Clear your crown chakra periodically, especially if you are doing a lot of ThetaHealing work on yourself &/or others and you feel pressure around your head or aches in the shoulders/neck. * "Sticks & stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" - so wrong! Digestive issues are often related to hurts and abuses from childhood (small & large - you really cannot judge that logically - it depends on each individual in each moment, how something was taken &/or handled). This is also the solar plexus & sacral chakra area so if it is blocked so is abundance, creativity & energy! Lovingly & gently clearing these issues is a wonderful thing.Well, I'm off to the shower & Lung day...yikes...I'm guessing this will be an interesting day. (yes, yes, I know that "interesting" is a Chinese curse...I plan to have fun!!! Plus breathing is a very good thing) Have a warm & fuzzy, love-filled Friday! Much Love, Light & Miracles, Janet
Posted by Janet
at 12:01 AM EDT
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Hormones! Plus other important stuff.
on fire
Haha - just kidding!! Yesterday was very interesting...lots of information but most importantly - doing the work - clearing - clearing - clearing! Hmmm...just like in all of the ThetaHealing classes & life. or ......you get to decide!!! Since my adrenals are, let's say, recovering...my sleep/energy patterns have been crazy so I'm just going to list a few important points from the whole day (not necessarily about hormones): * If you are tired, feel like there's never enough time, overworked, overwhelmed - your hormones/beliefs need help - look at your beliefs around "have to" & "shoulds", expressing yourself (look at when you were a child especially), needing to do things (like save the world) - change that to choosing to do them... to name a few. * If you are craving certain foods your body NEEDS something! (probably not the french fries, fried cheese, fried mozzerella, etc, etc....maybe Omega 3s...hehe) * Humans are the only ones who hold onto the past & torture/limit themselves instead of moving forward. Your childhood is in the past - choose & take action to move on!!! As Wayne Dyer says, "if your parents are the cause of your problems, bring them to me and I'll fix you, right?" - wrong...YOU are the one living and choosing your life now. * Theta practitioners...Let Creator do the healing!!!! Trust that God knows how to do it without your help (interference - haha) - work on that if you need to & the results will expand tremendously. If you are directing the change (ie. imagining moving the vertebrae, in "counseling" mode, etc.) you are "decorating" & can only get in the way of the true healing needed. We have yoga every morning before class now...today is "Laughing Yoga"...I can't wait! Have a glorious, giggly day!!! With Much Light & Love, Janet
Posted by Janet
at 12:01 AM EDT
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Day 2 in Idaho
Topic: Bones & "The Flood"
So the title says Day 2 but this is the morning (early-just kidding, I'm wide awake) of Day 3...Yahoo! Yippee! I was up again at 5:30...this is amazing!!! Thank you all for inspiring me & thank you sweetie for the reinforcement & love. The class is very intense...each day we review a system then scan for it then watch a movie then dig..dig..dig...did I mention DIG???!!! The entire first week is designed to TRIGGER our stuff...yay! As my grandma used to say (actually she still does) "Better out than in" or in TH terms, "Better changed than not!" Our body is truly a miracle - we really take it for granted and the movie about survival truly brought that home today...we are awesome. Did you know we can survive for over a month without food if we have to and our bodies remember how? Our bodies deserve to be treated well...and they will respond in kind. The bones are beautiful and connected to Creator through the crown chakra...so any "God issues" are often held here (that may or may not mean that physical dis-ease/problems are present, but if they are that is a great place to start). Also, support, safety, security, finances (remember, it's never about the money!!!) and more. This is where you may find fears of being a psychic/healer, carrying the "weight of the world", etc. I can hear some of you now..."but HOW do I work with the bones???" Not to worry about that now...just do your belief & feeling work in these areas & the skeletal system will be happy. Oh, that reminds me...teeth...they are giggly & joyful...if you scan yours and they are not...give them some healing! The Flood: Clearly, one of the reasons I am here is to understand the nature (at least one of the very large pieces) behind the flood (and ceiling collapse!) that happened in my home recently. The moment I got to the Institute, Brandy (Vianna's daughter) started telling me about their flood. Vianna & I had a great talk about this phenomenon...she is very excited for me - I am a water goddess, I have power over water, water is bigtime abundance, etc, etc. - I just have to "learn to control it". (she's still working on it mind you, but they think it's funny that they check for water immediately before and after she travels). Yikes! Actually it is very cool and Mike is clearly a Weather Mage as well, so we're excited about the possibilities and are all about learning to harness that power NOW!!! (also seems like that healing center of ours is right around the corner - between the flood and being told that it is "all around me") That said, much love and gratitude go to my husband Mike for taking care of all of the renovations while I'm away!!! So what is important for you to know? 1. You DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE THIS EXPERIENCE!!! Remember, you do not want to be like Vianna or me or anyone else...you are perfect, beautiful & unique...become the best YOU!!! 2. Read #1 again. 3. Water issues/odd experiences can also relate in a big way to: "Going with the Flow" & Emotions - do you control them or do they control you??? Why not look at these before you need to...might be a good idea! Well, time to go...today is "Hormone Day" - that should be interesting... Have an awesome, magical day. With Light, Love, Joy & Sparkles, Janet
Posted by Janet
at 9:02 AM EDT
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
The Intuitive Anatomy Adventure Begins!
I've arrived in Idaho Falls & am so happy to be here!!! This is exactly where I am supposed to be...for many reasons - a few of which have shown themselves already. More on that later...(including the flood!) I've decided to start a blog (my 1st!) so that you can join me on this amazing ride...I will do my best to write every day with highlights of the class and the ongoing adventure that is the (my) ThetaHealing life! My hope is that my experiences & insights may benefit you in the Highest & Best way possible. I have a beautiful view of Snake River and the LDS temple...the geese walk right up to my window every day to say hello...I just watched the sun rise, which means I am actually up that early - my husband may fall over when he hears this! He has been trying (said on purpose) to persuade me of the beauty of this time of day & how it may be the time for me to be writing that book...well, I think it's begun! IA-Day 1: Parasites Parasites Parasites! Yikes - Time to cleanse friends!!! Bacteria, Viruses, Fungus - Oh My! (think Wizard of Oz tune) Remember the following connections: Bacteria-Guilt; Virus-Worthiness; Fungus-Resentment when you are working on yourselves. Who/what drains you..."sucks the life out of you"???...dig, find what is underneath & change it. Let go of everything that does not serve you - find out how it did & release it. "Let go laughing" (Sugarland) Resentment, guilt, worthiness, anger - take up SOOO much space & energy - change them & watch your life transform, become energized & excited about life again! Last but NOT least, surrender to the path of Least Resistance (no pun intended but that's how God works), remember Divine Timing (there's a future Play Group topic) & allow yourself to trust Creator and move with the Flow...life is meant to be easy & joyful...so Enjoy! Have a beautiful, magical day!
Posted by Janet
at 8:53 AM EDT
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